i've been reading since i was 3 years old, and i currently work in a bookstore, so i'm surrounded by books ALL the time. i read over 3 books a week, easily! these reviews will mostly be on teen books, since that's what i read, but really anything at all could show up here!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

GIVEAWAY - The Hallowed Ones

One of my favourite authors, Lauren DeStefano, is giving away a book over at her blog.

This book, The Hallowed Ones, is a horror/thriller for teens about the Amish. (Yeah - finally something that hasn't been done!) It sounds fantastic, and I'm not just saying that because I trust Lauren's book recommendations completely.

Did I mention that this was an ARC? That's right, THIS BOOK IS NOT OUT YET! Think about it. If you win, you'll be one of the first people to read this. You can brag about it or something.

I can hear you now: So, Meghan, how can I win this incredible, free book? And how can I ever possibly thank you for letting me know about this?

Well, the answer is extremely complicated totally simple. Except maybe the second part of the question, because we all know there's no way you could ever possibly repay me enough. First off, this giveaway is international. I double checked this. You can win this if you live in the US, in Canada, or Antarctica. Lauren says that she will deliver to the moon. All you have to do is tell someone about this contest. Facebook it. Tweet it. Blog it. Tumblr it. Whatever. Just let the world know that Lauren is better than everyone else for giving away free stuff.

Once you've done that, mosey on over to her blog. Comment on it and link your post, wherever that may be. She'll choose 11 winners (only one will get the book, the rest get other cool swag) and who knows, maybe that could be you!

Oh, and there's a deadline on this. You didn't think you had forever to do this, right? It's a limited time offer. May 27th, 2012 is the last day to get in on this.

If you win, let me know how the book is. If I win, I'll let you know how awesome it is.

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